APURUNKOINEN SOITIN ILMAN KOMPROMISSEJA Koe alkuperäinen traditio uudessa muodossa/span>
Apurunko on valmistettu triComista, alumiini / POM-komposiitista, jolle on ominaista erinomaiset vaimennusominaisuudet ja korkea jäykkyys. Sen paino on optimoitu äänenlaadun ehdoilla. Tärinän vähentämiseksi synkroninen AC-moottori on asennettu suoraan vaimennettuun apurunkoon. Se pyörittää levylautasta koneistetun tarkkuushihnan välityksellä.
The sub-chassis is suspended by means of three conical springs which can be adjusted from above in order to achieve uniform tension. The bearing is made of sintered bronze with a Teflon thrust pad and optimized for smooth running. The steel axle supported therein provides very low, constant friction and thus presents a uniform load to the motor. Two of the turntable’s three feet can be levelled from above, which facilitates setup.
Depending on the model, different damping architectures, tonearm boards and platters are used. The design can accommodate a wide variety of 9" and 10" tonearms also from third-party manufacturers.
Visco/propylene layer in the spring element
Aluminium sub-platter
Frosted quartz glass outer platter
Upgrade options
Upgrade to TD 905 specifications
triCom tonearm board for 9“ or 10“ tonearms
Turntable feet with triCom and viscose foam insert, adjustable
triCom base plate
Sub-chassis damping by means of a viscose-propylene layer on the platter bearing